From Georgia, with love…

Exploring and discovering the beauty of the Creator.

The Promises of God. April 15, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — georgiachronicles @ 2:46 am

I was at home today, listening to the rain… then I saw the sun coming out of the clouds. I thought: the rainbow. there must be a rainbow… Sun+Rain=Rainbow.

I looked out of my window ant thats what I saw:


It's unchangeable!

It's unchangeable!


Beautiful, han?

I mean, it’s totally amazing! And… it’s something so rare… I don’t see much rainbows nowadays… So, when I do… I think as much as I can about them.

They are a sign of an old promise of God: That he’d never put and end on mankind by rain. And he kept his promise.

But, that’s not all… that’s a sign that shows how God is really amazing and UNCHANGEABLE.


Because of his word and his love… and his mercy, he’ll never change! He is, he was, and is to come! He’s God.

I don’t know about you, but… I thought so many times about my problems more than God, that it became a habit only to think about the things I can do with my own hands.

Look… after this Passover…. I really got a glimpse of what Jesus wants us to live: Live in his Unchangeable Love.  It’s the only thing you can rely on. Life can change, people may go, may come… they can let you down… the earth may not be the same… buildings took over the place… nature’s dying… every single thing shall pass… but his Word will never pass…

So, no matter how bad I feel… I think about Jesus’ love, mercy, strength, courage, power, majesty… all my troubles HAVE to go away… because I consider Jesus the most precious thing I have.

Really! A God that came to this failing planet, with corrupt human beings to die and come back to life to save the Jews because this was the plan… but after extended this precious gift to me…. WOW!!!! He’s fantastic!


He’s my hero. He should be every Christian’s Hero. He totally saved the day.


When my day sucks, I look to him… go right to his presence… wherever I am… I run to a private place and pray… “God, please… save my day!!!” I worship him, for who he is! And he comes marching like a mighty man, take me with strong arm and put me in the green pastures!

And… actually…. 1976 years ago… right now… the disciples of Christ must’ve been thinking: WOW, HE CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD!!! IT’S NOT OVER! HE’S NOT DEFEATED. HE’S ALIVE!

How come I can’t think about that.

So, that’s been my exercise these days… and for the rest of my life: Think more about Jesus’ Life. Jesus’ Victory…and it’ll change my perspective.

Love you, Daddy!!! You’re my superhero.




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